Ratna Sagar
Ratna Sagar


English>>Plays prescribed in ICSE syllabus

For Classes:
9 And 10

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Perhaps the most singular of Shakespeare’s romantic comediesThe Merchant of Venice is best remembered for its dramatic scenes, moving speeches, and the unforgettable character of Shylock. Though not the merchant of the title of the play, Shylock wrests for himself a centrality of role that places Shakespeare much ahead of his times – more or less a revolutionary, almost an iconoclast.

This special student edition of The Merchant of Venice by Ratna Sagar follows closely the A W Verity edition not only with respect to the text but also annotations, which are suitably simplified for young readers. The analyses of characters, themes, plot, and language provide a fi rm foundation for appreciating the play, and go further to encourage original thinking in students regarding the story and the characters, for which the play offers a rich ground.

  • TEXTBOOK – in this regular edition of the textbook the original text is closely annotated with comprehensive word meanings and notes. Correctness of meaning and precision of wording are the hallmark of this annotated version.

  • TEXTBOOK WITH PARAPHRASE – the paraphrase edition has the original text and its modern English translation, supported by exhaustive annotations. A great way to simplify Shakespeare!

  • WORKBOOK – a compilation of scene-wise practice questions, framed on a progressive testing scale of detail and original thinking. The questions are preceded by short summaries and critical notes that help students to recall the main action and significant episodes in a scene.

  ISBN Book Name Price(Rs.) Qty
9789350364604 The Merchant Of Venice Rs   224.00
9789350364598 The Merchant Of Venice (Text With Paraphrase) Rs   299.00
9789350364611 The Merchant Of Venice (Workbook) Rs   224.00
9789350365229 Much Ado About Nothing Rs   174.00
9789350365243 Much Ado About Nothing (Text With Paraphrase) Rs   229.00
9789350365236 Much Ado About Nothing (Workbook) Rs   179.00
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